Doctor Turned Entrepreneur: The Rise of Primer Cherang


  • Nurul Faizah Halim Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Zakiyah Taharim Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia



Entrepreneur, Primer Cherang, Doctor, Healthcare


In the bustling town of Kota Bharu, Kelantan, a clinic stands tall, known for its vibrant red exterior- a symbol of strength and its deep connection to the local community. This is Primer Cherang, a medical clinic that has not only served patients with exeptional care but also became a beacon of of entrepreneurial success in Malaysia. Today, Primer Cherang is more than just a clinic; it is the legacy of Dr. Safwan, a man whose journey from a dedicated doctor to a pioneering entrepreneur changed the healthcare landscape in his home state and beyond. “I wonder… will they remember me? When they speak of Primer Cherang in years to come, will they remember me as Dr. Safwan, the doctor who wanted to help, or as Dr. Safwan, the businessman who built a legacy?”




How to Cite

Halim, N. F., & Taharim, Z. (2024). Doctor Turned Entrepreneur: The Rise of Primer Cherang. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS), 3(2), 14–16.