International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS) 2024-01-04T04:03:35+00:00 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noorshella Che Nawi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (eISSN:2948-3832) or IJECS is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that focuses on case studies and is published twice a year in June and December.</strong>IJECS addresses the fundamental issues of entrepreneurship and business and publishes original quantitative or qualitative case studies on all aspects of entrepreneurship and business in local and international contexts. The primary audiences for this journal are scholars, academicians, policymakers, and practitioners whose interests are in entrepreneurship and business discourses, practices, and activities.</p> <p>Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real-world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.</p> Going With Mother's Wish: A Decision To Become An Entrepreneur In Kelantan 2024-01-04T03:19:53+00:00 YUSMAZIDA MOHD YUSOFF DZULKIFLI MUKHTAR NAEEM HAYAT The rain is pouring down from the sky as the monsoon season starts in the Malaysian Peninsular area. Sun is already down, and Nusratina Binti Shaari (Ms Tina) is sitting alone in her room, thinking about her next move to take her business to the next stage. Ms Tina reflected, "Things never be easy for middle- or lower-income group people in middle-income group country; education enables us to get a job or earn a living, but life circumstances led us to fight and look for our destiny.” Ms. Tina has to get serious about her Kuih Karas business. She has already left her job in Kuala Lumpur, and with COVID-19, the opportunity to get another is impossible. Ms Tina thinks she has a business option and needs to keep her head cool and fully enter into the business. However, Ms Tina must be vigilant and consider the prospective marketing channels and connecting to the prospective customers for her business. Ms. Tina exclaimed, "Thinking about starting a business is easy, but it takes demanding determination to develop and sustain a small business.” 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS) Looking To Start The Entrepreneurial Journey: Finding The Right Partners 2024-01-04T03:39:27+00:00 NAEE HAYAT DZULKIFLI MUKHTAR As sundown is reaching August 10th, 2020, Nasir Ali Joyia, a young software engineering graduate from GIFT University, must decide to offer his friends to start a business venture. Nasir was weighing the options of the names he would like to discuss and offer a partnership for his new technology venture. Nasir greatly succeeded in his freelancing while working on Upwork and Fiverr websites after completing more than 100 projects and receiving higher client recommendations. Nasir thinks it is the right time to move to the next stage of his entrepreneurial journey. “My passion for success guides me to work hard for my own project working for clients, which I received from Upwork and Fiverr. I am willing to include my other fellow in my entrepreneurial journey. However, I am very clear that business development is a step-by-step process like embarking on an expedition.” For Nasir, envisioning the business venture development is exciting, and Nasir was planning to meet with the prospective partners next Monday. Nasir thinks that he has a business plan that works for all partners. However, Nasir must be careful and consider the prospective partners before making the final offer and expect total loyalty from the prospective partners. 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS) Making Malaysia A Logistic HUB: A Vision of PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd 2024-01-04T03:52:12+00:00 ZURAIMI ABDUL AZIZ NIK SYUHAILAH NIK HUSSIN HAZRIAH HASAN Dato' Seri Michael Tio (DMT), the CEO of PKT Logistics, is returning to his residence after a busy day at his office in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. He will have dinner with his family and, after dinner, must consider next week’s crucial strategic group meeting. As a visionary entrepreneur, DMT is not just focused on the present success of PKT Logistics but is deeply invested in the company's core values and long-term ambitions. His leadership has already navigated PKT through numerous challenges, significantly contributing to its strong reputation and leadership position in the logistics and supply chain industry. DMT’s aspiration is not limited to maintaining PKT's current success; he envisions elevating Malaysia as a central hub in the ASEAN region. This goal reflects his commitment to advancing his company and boosting the nation's standing in the global logistics arena. Under his guidance, PKT has demonstrated remarkable growth, and its value system has been a cornerstone in differentiating it from competitors. As DMT prepares for the strategic meeting, he contemplates the future trajectory of PKT. He plans to propose a forward-thinking strategy to steer the company towards significant achievements in the next five to ten years, targeting 2025 to 2030. His vision includes expanding PKT's reach, embracing innovative technologies, and further integrating sustainable practices while nurturing the company's human capital. DMT understands that the logistics industry is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing global trade dynamics. He recognizes the importance of adapting to these changes and staying ahead of the curve. Thus, his strategy for the meeting will focus on exploring new market opportunities, investing in cutting-edge logistics technology, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within PKT. 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS) To Manage the ZAPTA Technology Professionally: A Time to Decide 2024-01-04T03:57:39+00:00 NAEEM HAYAT DZULKIFLI MUKHTAR It is a cloudy and cold day of December 2022 in Lahore, Pakistan. The CEO of ZAPTA technology, Nasir Ali, sits alone in his office after the sunset. Nasir plans to leave his office as the day is already closed, but he is writing future agendas for ZAPTA Technologies for 2023. There are many things and new steps that must be decided upon and taken to manage ZAPTA in the future. Nasir Ali Joyia is happy with the growth of his technology venture ‘ZAPTA Technologies’, which Nasir started about two years ago with his fellow Khalil Ahmed (Chief Design Officer) and Ateeq-ur-Rehman (chief operation officer). The future of ZAPTA requires significant transformation as a growth strategy that can help ZAPTA compete in the highly dynamic information technology market. As CEO of ZAPTA, Nasir has to bring forth the proposal for change and growth. However, Nasir has to be careful as the change can bring negative consequences 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS) Takoyaki Express: Looking to Take the Next Step 2024-01-04T04:03:35+00:00 YUSMAZIDA MOHD YUSOFF DZULKIFLI MUKHTAR NUR AIDA MAISARAH CHE KAH It is a quiet evening in the Jeli (a town in Kelantan); Shukri and his wife enter the Little White Café and order their milkshakes to enjoy the evening together. While Shukri and Aliah (Shukri's wife) find a nice place to sit and look into each other eyes. "Aliah," Shukri exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration, "As you know, our annual sales revenue has been declining and reached about RM 500,000 again. Aliah looked at her husband's face and reflected, “That is really sad, but you may remember that the revenue of our business has steeped from RM 500,000 in 2019 and reached about RM 1.5 million by the end of 2020”. Aliah continues, “Because of COVID-19, our sales were coming from an online store, and we were able to attract a good customer base from online sales”. Shukri uttered, “Our sales are dropping, and I am worried about the decline in sales. I have been trying to analyze and understand the decline of sales.” Aliah pointed out the things as “it could be the changing preferences of consumers, market change, or maybe the pricing that we need to look into. However, keep in mind that would be another challenge that can lead us to another opportunity.” 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Case Study (IJECS)