New Clone of Sesenduk (FRIMsrp001)
Sesenduk clone, properties, recovery, furniture, plantationAbstract
The clone was produced from a breeding attempt on pioneer indigenous species of Endospermum diadenum. Seeds from the tree were collected and then were propagate and germinated in FRIM’s nursery. The selection process continued for the progeny which has possessed vigorous growth among others. A bud from the plant was successfully tissue-cultured, which multiplied and developed roots in glass container. The clone was planted in year 1996 at Kepong Botanical Garden (FRIM’s KBG) and Kampung Jawa plantation plots in FRIM. The seedlings of the clone were able to grow and survive at open site. Several trees of the planted clone from these areas have been cut for timber testing for its basic properties as well as for product development. The wood of the clone trees possessed good physical and mechanical properties and acceptable wood colour (yellow to white colour). The trees were able to achieve 30cm in diameter and 24m in height of straight bole in 10 years after planting provided that the soil at the plantation site is well-nurtured. Short rotation of planting, practiced for the clone is suitable for forest plantation and sustainable supply of raw material either for solid furniture industry or wood-based industry.