Reproductive Potential of Red Chittagong Cattle in Bangladesh
Red Chittagong Cattle, reproductive potential, non-genetic effectAbstract
The study was carried out to investigate the phenotypic and genetic potential of reproductive traits of Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC) of Bangladesh. For that purpose accumulated data on a total of 101 animals from four different herds covering a period from 2005 to 2011 were used for analyses. The overall mean (±SE) values of age at first heat (AFH), age at first conception (AFC), age at first calving (AC), calving rate per productive year (CR), interval to post partum heat (IPPH), days open (DO), calving interval (CI) and generation interval (GI) were 35.9±1.1 month, 42.1±1.3 month, 50.6±1.1 month, 0.87±0.01 month, 149.4±9.5 days, 178.6±11.0 days, 454.9±10.4 days and 4.2±0.1 year, respectively. The factors having significant effects on reproductive traits were herd on DO and CI and calving year on DO. Calving parity and calving season had no significant effect on those traits. The heritability estimates of IPPH, DO and CI were very low (0, 0.06 and 0.09) and that of corresponding repeatability estimates were also low (0.06, 0.08 and 0.09, respectively). The heritability estimates for other traits were moderate (0.39 to 0.50). The results indicated that though reproductive potential of RCC for most of the traits are below than expected, that may be due to their lower inherent capability of indigenous Zebu compared to Taurus, but there is still opportunity of considerable improvement of these traits studied as indicated by their phenotypic variations among population.