JEB follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)'s Code of Conduct for the following policy domains:
Editorial Principles
1. Accountability and responsibility for journal content
The editors of the journal are responsible for the policies and procedures in ensuring the quality and integrity of the articles published.
2. Editorial independence and integrity
The responsibility of our editors is to make fair and unbiased decisions in order to uphold the principle of editorial independence and integrity.
2.1 Separating decision-making from commercial considerations
2.2 Editors’ relationship to the journal publisher or owner
2.3 Journal metrics and decision-making
3. Editorial confidentiality
3.1 Authors’ material
3.2 Reviewers
4. Encourage maximum transparency and complete and honest reporting
4.1 Authorship and responsibility
4.2 Conflicts of interest and role of the funding source
4.3 Full and honest reporting and adherence to reporting guidelines
5. Responding to criticisms and concerns
5.1 Ensuring integrity of the published record - corrections
5.2 Ensuring the integrity of the published record – suspected research or publication misconduct
5.3 Encourage scholarly debate
6. Ensuring a fair and appropriate peer review process
6.1 Decision whether to review
6.2 Interaction with peer reviewers
6.3 Reviewer Selection Criteria
6.4. Reviewer Misconduct
6.5 Interaction with the author(s)
7. Editorial decision-making
7.1 Editorial and journal processes
7.2 Editorial conflicts of interest