Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024)- Mengejar Makhluk Mitos–Syarikat Unicorn: Mengenalpasti Kejayaan Perniagaan Baru dalam Dunia Digital
- A Study to Examine the Factors Contributing Towards Financial Management Behavior Among Non-Finance Students in AIMST University, Kedah
- SME's E-Commerce Adoption in Sabah and Sarawak: The Moderating Role of Government Support
- Empowering Malaysia’s Youth: Assessing the Impact of STEM Education
- An Empirical Analysis of E-Takaful Participation Readiness (ETPR) Among Individuals in Malaysia
- Implementation Barriers to Process Innovation among Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs: A Review
- The Impact of E-Commerce Platform Adoption Among MSME: A Literature Review
- The Implication of E-Commerce Application in SMEs
- A Narrative Review: Optimization Algorithms for The Problem of Allocating Shelf Space in Retailing
- The Mediating Role of Brand Love between Brand Personality and Brand Loyalty: A Study on SMEs Traditional Woven Fabric in Indonesia
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024)- Award-Winning Women Business Operators in Kandy District of Sri Lanka: Entrepreneurial Bricolage
- Tacit Knowledge Sharing as a Catalyst for Innovation Capability in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Malaysian Furniture Industry
- Cost-Benefit Analysis in The Local Authorities and Effective Decision-Making in Public Investment
- Effects of Organizational Justice on Social Loafing: The Mediating Role of Felt Obligation
- A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on The Use of Technology in Self-Regulated Learning
- Determinants of Mobile Shopping Apps Continuance Intention: A Review and Proposed Conceptual Model
- The Impact of Online Streaming Platforms on the Film Industry and Film-Viewing Culture in Malaysia
- A Conceptual Framework of E-Takaful Participation Readiness (ETPR) among Individuals at Insurable Age in Malaysia
- BUMDesa Financial Accountability: What is The Role of BUMDesa Accounting and Implementation of SAK ETAP?
- Analysis Usefulness Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) For Efficiency And Accountability Of MSMEs Financial Statements
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023)- Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction In Using J&T Express Service Delivery During Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia
- A Preliminary Study on Examining the Determinants of Cloud Accounting Adoption for SMEs in Sungai Petani, Kedah
- Gig Work in Post Pandemic Times: Does it an Agile Work Structure?
- Issues and Suggestions on RMB Internationalization
- The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement on the Link Between Person-Organization Fit and Turnover Intention: Evidence from Business Process Outsourcing Companies in the Philippines
- Working Capital Management and Firms’ Profitability In Emerging Markets: The Case Of Nigeria Listed Consumer Goods Companies
- Factors Influencing Tax Compliance Intention Among Self-Employed in Kelantan, Malaysia
- The Decision Factors in Online Food Delivery Services Selection during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Systematic Review of Agile-Adaptive Balanced Scorecard and Sustainable Performance: Bibliometric, and Future Direction
- Academic Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of Literature
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023)- Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Approaches of Award-Winning Women Business Operators in Kandy District of Sri Lanka
- Tax Policy - Integrating Investment Tax Allowance and Corporate Governance by Institutionalisation Process: A Conceptual Paper
- Cyberbullying at the Workplace and its impact on employee job performance
- Connecting with Generation Z: Consumer Acceptance of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Online Shopping
- Repayment of National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) Loans-Factor Influencing Graduates
- COVID 19 Outbreak A marketing perspective on student’s satisfaction towards Online Learning
- A Study of Influenced Factors toward Student Loyalty Among Private Universities in Kedah
- The Contribution of University In Developing Entrepreneurial Students Towards New Venture Creation
- The Influence of Supply Chain Management Practices on Operational Performance of Quoted Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria: Procurement Outsourcing and Order Process Management View
- Critical Success Factors that Determine the Entrepreneurial Readiness among the B40 Women in Selangor
JEB DEC 2022
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)- Inventory Management Practices and Organizational Productivity in Nigerian Manufacturing Firms
- The Online Credit Buying and Selling System and its Compatibility with Islamic Law
- Nexus Between Corporate Governance and Going Concern of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks: The Role of Audit Committee Financial
- A Critical Review on Activity-Based Costing Technique: Analysis of Abundant Countries
- From School to Business: A Study of Private University Student’s Motivation Determinant and Intention to Be an Entrepreneur
- A Study on The Factors Impacting Retirement Planning Among Low-Income Workers in The Northern Region, Malaysia
- Financial reporting preparer’s satisfaction and intention to switch to XBRL reporting: A Model
- Demographics Differences and Customer Satisfaction towards Banking Services in Benin City, Nigeria.
- Perceived Organizational Support and Voice Behavioural Performance in Public Organizations in Nigeria
- COVID 19 Outbreak and Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: A Perspective from Japan’s Economy and Capital Market
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022)- Comparative Study of Intercity Transport Companies In Benin City, Nigeria
- The Effect Of Leadership And Organisational Culture With Information Technology As Mediator Towards Knowledge Management Among Top Management At Malaysian Public Universities
- The Influence of Investment On The Economy In Riau Province Indonesia
- Determination Of Knowledge Management In Malaysian Public Universities
- Does the trust issue impact the intention to use e-wallet technology among students?
- Adoption Of Formalized Mentoring Among Academic Staff in Selected Nigerian Universities
- Most Influential Factors Affecting International Trade Flows: Bangladesh Context
- Readiness To Adopt Virtual Team Among Medium- Sized Companies In Malaysia
- Program Keusahawanan dan Prospek Kerjaya Pilihan Mahasiswa: Kajian di UKM
- The Influencing Factors on the Acceptance of Digital Payment Among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Students
JEB DEC 2021
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021)- Undergraduate Students’ Trust in Using Social Networking Sites
- Stakeholders’ Perceptions on Alternative Money Creation for the Commercial Banks’ Money Lending Activities in Malaysia
- Marketing Strategies of Tahfizpreneur Products Produced by PTIs in Malaysia
- A Study on Technology-Driven International Trade: Factors Identification based on Asian Countries
- A Reflexive Account of Microfinance Management Accounting: Ethnographic Experience in a Bangladeshi Village
- Measuring Students’ Awareness of Food Related Factors: The Role of Attitude, Price, Hygiene, and Food Safety
- Impact of Students’ Trust on Social Networking Services
- Determinant of Customer Satisfaction Towards Pos Laju Malaysia Services During Movement Control Order
- The Development of Personalised Training Needs Analysis for Malaysian Arts Culture Entrepreneurs (ACEs) Using Psychometric Approach
- Early Detection Method for Money Fraudulent Activities on E-commerce Platform via Sentiment Analysis
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021)- The Influence of E-service Quality On Marketplace Platform Towards Customer Loyalty
- Financial Performance of SMEs in Kota Bharu, Kelantan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Factors Influencing the Students’ Choices towards Online Food Delivery
- The Effect of Microfinance Bank Services on Women Empowerment: The case for Women Entrepreneurs in Irbid, Jordan (SMEs)
- Digital Advertising Features on Customer Purchase Intention
- Unlocking Rural Economy Growth through Digital Economy: Study Of Online Payment Acceptance Among Rural Retailers In Kelantan.
- Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Online Shopping
- Analysis of Production Factors for The Rubber Smallholder Sector in Malaysia
- The Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Marginalized Youth Communities in Malaysia: Key Issues
- Innovation Diffusion Impact on Students’ Online Platform Participation
JEB DEC 2020
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020)- Nature Or Nurture?: The Case of Entrepreneurship Education in Job Creation
- Predicting the Kijang Emas Bullion Price using LSTM Networks
- The Impact Of Covid-19 On Islamic Banking In Indonesia During The Pandemic Era
- Incubating Transnational Entrepreneurial Ventures in the ASEAN-X Group: A Quantitative Study
- Effects of Consumer Innovativeness, Fashion Innovativeness, and Fashion Involvement on Online Purchase Intention
- Understanding How Gastronomy Behaviours Influence the Repatronage Intention of Malaysian Muslim Tourists’ toward Japanese Street Food Vendors
- The Mediating Role of Commitment in The Relationship Between Mobile Service Quality and Mobile Shopping Customer Loyalty in Malaysia
- Perceived Government Support as an Antecedent of Attitude and Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) Effect on Agricultural Entrepreneurship (Agropreneurship) Intention Among the Youth in Sabah
- Using Digital Technologies by Human Resource Management During COVID-19: A Case Study of E-Office and E-Learning
- Public Perceptions of the Economic Impacts of Government Funded Events
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020)- Islamic banking and economic growth in Malaysia: evidence for a causal relationship pre and post regulatory reform
- Governance Mechanism and Financial Reporting Timeliness of Listed Firms on The Nigeria Stock Exchange
- The Impact of Company Characteristics Behavior (Size, Profile and Institutional Ownership) On Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Exploring Digital Marketing Practices for KUNTUM Magazine Publishing Company in Malaysia
- Relationship Between Informal and Formal Network Towards Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate at Public University
- Attitude, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use towards Intention to Use M-Commerce: A Case of Grocery Shoppers in Kuching, Sarawak
- Level of Entrepreneurship Competence and Readiness Among Medical Students in A Private University in Shah Alam, Malaysia
- The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables Towards Tax Revenue in Malaysia : Time Series Data
- Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support on the Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention
- The Influence of Customer Engagement on Emotion, Purchase Intention, and Positive User-generated Content (UGC) Spread on Instagram
JEB DEC 2019
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019)- Kajian Keberkesanan Pemilihan Lokasi Melalui Kaedah “Ceklok” untuk Pembinaan Rumah Burung Walet (RBW)
- Determinant Factors Influencing the Microfinance Repayment Performance among Borrowers of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) in Jerantut, Pahang
- Embedding Quantitative Techniques into the Standard Operating Procedure for the Hiring of Part-time Student Workers at EDC-UUM
- Exploring the Role of Education on the Entrepreneurial Motivations of Academic Spin-offs’ Founders
- Interface Effectiveness (IE), Confidence In System (CS), Effectiveness Of Use (EU), And Demographic Elements Towards The Intention To Use Pustaka Negeri Sarawak E-Services (Library -Services)
- Factors Affecting Customer’s Intention towards Purchasing Halal Collagen Beauty Drinks in Malaysia: a Structural Equation Modelling
- The Role of Soft Skills on Business Graduates Employability
- Determinants of Sterilisation using Trilemma Policy: A study in Qatar, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Japan
- Andaian Ketidak-Terhadan Kehendak Manusia dalam Ekonomi Islam: Analisis Berdasarkan Tasawur Islam
- Kebolehgunaan Tahaluf dalam Akad Mudharabah: Pembinaan Kerangka Awal Konsep Tahaluf Iqtishadi
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019)- Online Store Image towards Perceived Risks in Online Shopping
- Assessing the mediating effect of organizational climate in the context of Malaysian banking industry
- Determinants Of Commercial Banks' Profitability In Malaysia
- Role of Market Orientation on Innovation Orientation of Manufacturing Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana
- Determinants of Sterilization using a Trilemma Policy: A study in Qatar, Kuwait, Indonesia and Japan
- Determinants Of The Intention To Purchase Flood Cover: An Empirical Evidence From A Flood-Prone Area In Malaysia
JEB DEC 2018
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)- Social Media and Student's Learning Outcome: A case in South-East Asia
- A study on the relationship between motivation factors and career choice among undergraduate students in Malaysian Private Universities
- The Long-run Relationship between Islamic Stock Market and Macroeconomic Variables
- Effects of Authentic Leadership on Work Engagement and Employee Turnover Intention in Malaysia Call Centres
- Analysing Generical Moves in Pedagogical Sales Reply Emails
- Supply Chain Risks and Organisational Performance among ISO 14001 Certified Manufacturing Sector
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018)- Social Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students in Pampanga, Philippines
- Employee Motivation and its Role in Improving the Productivity and Organizational Commitment at Higher Education Institutions
- Why Managers Lose Balance; Can Technology Influence Balance
- Will Bulgaria's Path to Eurozone Derail? A comparison with Argentina
- Food and Non-food Expenditure Trends Among the Poor and Needy in Kelantan, Malaysia
- Financial and Non- Financial Key Competitiveness Indicators (KCIs) for New Small-Medium Private Housing Development Firms From the Malaysian Perspective
JEB DEC 2017
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017)- An Empirical Examination of Marketing Mix Elements and Customer Perceived Value in Retail Industry
- The Role of Work Discretion in Activating Entrepreneurial Orientation among Employees
- A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Mobile Technology among Students in Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) in Peninsular Malaysia
- Senior High School Students' Entrepreneurial Inclination: The Case of Accountancy, Business, and Management Track Students in Pampanga, Philippines
- The Impact of Website Effectiveness towards Online Repurchase Intention
- Economic Growth in Malaysia: A Causality Study on Macroeconomics Factors
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017)- An Analysis of Service Rendered by the Malaysian Airport
- An Assessment of the Relationship between Sponsorship and Consumer Patronage of GSM Service Providers in Kano Metropolis
- Motivation and Barriers for Business Start-Up among Graduates: A Gender Difference
- Effects of Socio-Economic Factors on Entrepreneurship Activities in Cape Coast, Ghana
JEB DEC 2016
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016)- The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees' Performance: Evidence from Oman
- Satisfaction of Goals Attainment and Intention to Restructure among Malaysian SME Entrepreneurs?
- Effect of Performance-Based Pay on Employees' Outcomes
- Role of Transformational Leadership in Enhancing Followers' Psychological Empowerment
- The Influence of Individual Characteristics in Predicting Mobile Commerce Usage Activities' Continuance Intention
- Applied Integration Model in Education Plan for Learning Recovery
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2016)- Developing a Staff Development Framework for Nursing Homes in Malaysia: Content Analysis based on Expert Interviews
- Linking Customer Relationship Management to Behavioral Intentions in Islamic Banking System: Evidence from Nigeria
- Sustainable Government Policy: A Catalyst for Sustainable Incubator Performance
- The Determinants of CO2 Emissions in ASEAN+3 Countries
- Perception Towards Factors that Affect the Effectiveness of an Entrepreneurship Training Program
- The Role of Market Complexity, Skills and Perceived Usefulness on the Marketing Support Services
JEB DEC 2015
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015)- The Nexus between Economic Liberalisation and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from ASEAN, China, and India
- Enhancing the Socio-Economic Wellbeing of Malaysian Local Women through Social Capital and Micro- Enterprise Performance
- Board Size, Intensity of Board Activity, and Financial Performance of SMEs: Examining the Mediating Roles of Access to Capital and Firm Reputation
- Do Corporate Social Responsibility Activities of Ghanaian Banks Influence Corporate Clients' Patronage?
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015)- Financial Access For Starting A Business: Evidence Of Internal And External Financial Sources, And Performance Of Malaysian Smes
- The Effects of Financial Factors on Takaful Demand in Malaysia
- Factors Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption in the Public Sector: An Empirical Analysis
- The Status of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Adoption in the Hotel Industry
- Determinant Factors that Influence Customers' Experience in Fast Food Restaurants in Sungai Petani, Kedah
- The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Job Satisfaction and Financial Performance: A Study of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Hebei, China
JEB DEC 2014
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014)- The role of green marketing towards purchase intention among Malaysian customers
- Policyholders' Perception towards Service Quality of Life Insurance Companies ? A Study with reference to Tamilnadu
- The mediating role of satisfaction, norms, and conflict on families' food selection in Malaysia
- The Evolution of Social Space and Boundaries: The Case of Small High Technology Firms
- The Effects of Government and State Ownership on Dividends
JEB DEC 2013
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013)- Performance of Global Islamic Indices
- Evaluation of Innovative Quality Management Practices: A Case Study
- The Role of Entrepreneurial Competencies as A Mediator In The Relationship Between Microfinance and Small Business Growth
- The Impact of External Factors on Accounting Information System (AIS) Usage
- Financial Restatement and CEO Turnover in Malaysia
- Government Bonds of Performance in Malaysia