Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): JEB SEPT 2023

- Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction In Using J&T Express Service Delivery During Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia
- A Preliminary Study on Examining the Determinants of Cloud Accounting Adoption for SMEs in Sungai Petani, Kedah
- Gig Work in Post Pandemic Times: Does it an Agile Work Structure?
- Issues and Suggestions on RMB Internationalization
- The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement on the Link Between Person-Organization Fit and Turnover Intention: Evidence from Business Process Outsourcing Companies in the Philippines
- Working Capital Management and Firms’ Profitability In Emerging Markets: The Case Of Nigeria Listed Consumer Goods Companies
- Factors Influencing Tax Compliance Intention Among Self-Employed in Kelantan, Malaysia
- The Decision Factors in Online Food Delivery Services Selection during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Systematic Review of Agile-Adaptive Balanced Scorecard and Sustainable Performance: Bibliometric, and Future Direction
- Academic Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of Literature