Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): JEB DEC 2019

- Kajian Keberkesanan Pemilihan Lokasi Melalui Kaedah “Ceklok” untuk Pembinaan Rumah Burung Walet (RBW)
- Determinant Factors Influencing the Microfinance Repayment Performance among Borrowers of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) in Jerantut, Pahang
- Embedding Quantitative Techniques into the Standard Operating Procedure for the Hiring of Part-time Student Workers at EDC-UUM
- Exploring the Role of Education on the Entrepreneurial Motivations of Academic Spin-offs’ Founders
- Interface Effectiveness (IE), Confidence In System (CS), Effectiveness Of Use (EU), And Demographic Elements Towards The Intention To Use Pustaka Negeri Sarawak E-Services (Library -Services)
- Factors Affecting Customer’s Intention towards Purchasing Halal Collagen Beauty Drinks in Malaysia: a Structural Equation Modelling
- The Role of Soft Skills on Business Graduates Employability
- Determinants of Sterilisation using Trilemma Policy: A study in Qatar, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Japan
- Andaian Ketidak-Terhadan Kehendak Manusia dalam Ekonomi Islam: Analisis Berdasarkan Tasawur Islam
- Kebolehgunaan Tahaluf dalam Akad Mudharabah: Pembinaan Kerangka Awal Konsep Tahaluf Iqtishadi