Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): JEB DEC 2020

- Nature Or Nurture?: The Case of Entrepreneurship Education in Job Creation
- Predicting the Kijang Emas Bullion Price using LSTM Networks
- The Impact Of Covid-19 On Islamic Banking In Indonesia During The Pandemic Era
- Incubating Transnational Entrepreneurial Ventures in the ASEAN-X Group: A Quantitative Study
- Effects of Consumer Innovativeness, Fashion Innovativeness, and Fashion Involvement on Online Purchase Intention
- Understanding How Gastronomy Behaviours Influence the Repatronage Intention of Malaysian Muslim Tourists’ toward Japanese Street Food Vendors
- The Mediating Role of Commitment in The Relationship Between Mobile Service Quality and Mobile Shopping Customer Loyalty in Malaysia
- Perceived Government Support as an Antecedent of Attitude and Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) Effect on Agricultural Entrepreneurship (Agropreneurship) Intention Among the Youth in Sabah
- Using Digital Technologies by Human Resource Management During COVID-19: A Case Study of E-Office and E-Learning
- Public Perceptions of the Economic Impacts of Government Funded Events