Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): JEB JUNE 2020

- Islamic banking and economic growth in Malaysia: evidence for a causal relationship pre and post regulatory reform
- Governance Mechanism and Financial Reporting Timeliness of Listed Firms on The Nigeria Stock Exchange
- The Impact of Company Characteristics Behavior (Size, Profile and Institutional Ownership) On Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Exploring Digital Marketing Practices for KUNTUM Magazine Publishing Company in Malaysia
- Relationship Between Informal and Formal Network Towards Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate at Public University
- Attitude, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use towards Intention to Use M-Commerce: A Case of Grocery Shoppers in Kuching, Sarawak
- Level of Entrepreneurship Competence and Readiness Among Medical Students in A Private University in Shah Alam, Malaysia
- The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables Towards Tax Revenue in Malaysia : Time Series Data
- Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support on the Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention
- The Influence of Customer Engagement on Emotion, Purchase Intention, and Positive User-generated Content (UGC) Spread on Instagram