
  • AINUL WAHIDA RADZUAN Department of Heritage, Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, University Malaysia Kelantan
  • NAI ABDUL RAHIM Department of Heritage, Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, University Malaysia Kelantan
  • SURAYA SUKRI Department of Heritage, Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, University Malaysia Kelantan
  • NORDIANA AB JABAR Department of Heritage, Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, University Malaysia Kelantan
  • AZLIN SHARINA ABDUL LATEF Department of Creative Technology, Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan



Covid-19, Stakeholders, Pihak Berkepentingan, Wayang Kulit Kelantan


The Covid-19 pandemic hit the entire world at the onset of 2020, paralysing all community activities. The local government has restricted all social activities, including public gatherings, which has indirectly impacted local wayang kulit practitioners. This study examined the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on practitioners of wayang kulit in Kelantan and how they reacted and responded during the Covid-19. This study employs a qualitative approach with a focus on a case study. Ten respondents were interviewed, and non-participant observation was used to obtain data. All data were analysed thematically and triangulated with previous studies. Hence this study found two significant impacts of Covid-19 towards Wayang Kulit Kelantan, including local practitioners who are forced to postpone and cancel artistic activities and a lack of income generation among the practitioners. However, Wayang Kulit Kelantan survived by adapting to a new version of wayang kulit performances and the need to comply with government SOPs. In conclusion, this study is essential for wayang kulit practitioners and stakeholders in sustaining wayang kulit during the pandemic and in the future.

Pandemik Covid-19 telah melanda seluruh dunia pada permulaan tahun 2020 dan melumpuhkan semua aktiviti masyarakat. Kerajaan tempatan telah menyekat semua aktiviti sosial termasuk perhimpunan awam yang memberi kesan kepada pengamal wayang kulit tempatan secara tidak langsung. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan wabak Covid-19 terhadap pengamal wayang kulit di Kelantan. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang berfokuskan kepada kajian kes. Sepuluh orang responden telah ditemu bual, dan pemerhatian bukan ikut serta digunakan untuk mendapatkan data. Semua data dianalisis secara tematik dan ditriangulasi dengan kajian terdahulu. Justeru itu, kajian ini mendapati terdapat dua impak utama wabak Covid-19 terhadap Wayang Kulit Kelantan termasuklah pengamal tempatan terpaksa menangguhkan dan membatalkan aktiviti kesenian serta kekurangan penjanaan pendapatan dalam kalangan pengamal. Namun, Wayang Kulit Kelantan berjaya bertahan dengan mengadaptasi persembahan wayang kulit secara dalam talian, dan pematuhan SOP kerajaan. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini penting untuk pengamal dan pihak
berkepentingan wayang kulit dalam mengekalkan wayang kulit semasa pandemik dan pada masa hadapan.




How to Cite

RADZUAN, A. W. ., NAI ABDUL RAHIM, SUKRI, S. ., AB JABAR, N. ., & ABDUL LATEF, A. S. (2023). NAVIGATING THE STORM: A STUDY OF IMPACTS COVID-19 ON WAYANG KULIT KELANTAN. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 11(2), 12–19.