Exploring the Quality of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching at China Higher Education Institutions Using Stufflebeams’s Cipp Model: A Case Study
exploring, quality evaluation, CIPP Model, innovation and entrepreneurshipAbstract
The quality evaluation of innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) in the education sector is achieving worldwide attention as empowering nations with high-quality talents is quintessential for economic progress. China, a pioneer in the world market in almost all sectors, have transformed its educational policies and incorporated entrepreneurial skills as a part of its education models to further catalyst the country’s economic progress. Innovation is the capacity to perceive connections, identify possibilities, and capitalise on them. Entrepreneurship means the creation of new economic activities and organisations and the transformation of existing ones. Quality evaluation involves monitoring progress towards desired goals and objectives. There is a frequent problem: lesser model exploration research on professional education and practical education, which may result in poor quality I&E education. The objectives of this research were to explore the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship teaching at higher education institutions using Stufflebeam's CIPP evaluation. Participants in the study include the director of the innovation and entrepreneurship education department, the head of the administrative function department, and instructors from the Changzhou Institute of Industrial Vocational Technology's innovation and entrepreneurship education programs. The CIPP Evaluation Model was utilised to conduct qualitative research. Data were gathered via structured interviews. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis based on the conceptual framework of Stufflebeam's CIPP evaluation model. The results of the study show that the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship education in higher vocational colleges is generally good; there are sound systems and organizational structures, and the colleges are able to provide adequate resources. Additionally, the curriculum and extracurricular activities of innovation and entrepreneurship education are well-executed, and the higher vocational colleges have received numerous accolades in innovation and entrepreneurship education. However, there is still a need for improvement in class size, teacher development, and the efficiency of extracurricular activities.
Penilaian kualiti inovasi dan keusahawanan (I&E) dalam sektor pendidikan mendapat perhatian dunia kerana memperkasa negara yang mempunyai bakat berkualiti tinggi adalah penting untuk kemajuan ekonomi. China, perintis dalam pasaran dunia dalam hampir semua sektor telah mengubah dasar pendidikannya dan menggabungkan kemahiran keusahawanan sebagai sebahagian daripada model pendidikan mereka untuk terus memacu kemajuan ekonomi negara. Inovasi ditakrifkan sebagai keupayaan untuk melihat hubungan, mengenal pasti kemungkinan, dan memanfaatkannya. Keusahawanan bermaksud penciptaan aktiviti dan organisasi ekonomi baharu serta transformasi yang sedia ada.Penilaian kualiti melibatkan pemantauan kemajuan ke arah matlamat dan objektif yang diingini. Terdapat masalah yang kerap berlaku: penyelidikan penerokaan model yang lebih rendah mengenai pendidikan profesional dan pendidikan praktikal, yang mungkin mengakibatkan pendidikan I&E yang berkualiti rendah. Objektif penyelidikan ini adalah untuk meneroka kualiti pengajaran inovasi dan keusahawanan di institusi pengajian tinggi menggunakan penilaian CIPP Stufflebeam. Peserta kajian termasuk pengarah jabatan pendidikan inovasi dan keusahawanan, ketua jabatan fungsi pentadbiran, dan pengajar dari program pendidikan inovasi dan keusahawanan Institut Teknologi Vokasional Changzhou. Model Penilaian CIPP telah digunakan untuk menjalankan penyelidikan kualitatif. Data dikumpul melalui temu bual berstruktur. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik berdasarkan kerangka konsep model penilaian CIPP Stufflebeam. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kualiti inovasi dan pendidikan keusahawanan di kolej vokasional tinggi secara amnya adalah baik; terdapat sistem bunyi dan struktur organisasi, dan kolej dapat menyediakan sumber yang mencukupi. Selain itu, kurikulum dan aktiviti ekstrakurikuler inovasi dan pendidikan keusahawanan dilaksanakan dengan baik, dan kolej vokasional yang lebih tinggi telah menerima banyak anugerah dalam pendidikan inovasi dan keusahawanan. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat keperluan untuk penambahbaikan dalam saiz kelas, pembangunan guru, dan kecekapan aktiviti kokurikulum.
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