
  • NURUL AMIRA OMAR Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
  • AHMAD FIRDAUSE MD FADZIL Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
  • ROSFATIHAH CHE MAT Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia




Keusahawanan, Keusahawanan Wanita, Proses Penciptaan Teroka Baharu, Psikologi, Sosiologi, Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation Process, Psychology, Sociology


Fenomena kemunculan perniagaan teroka baharu oleh wanita bukanlah topik baru jika disusuri dari susur galur sorotan kajian lepas. Ramai penyelidik lepas melihat pelbagai perspektif yang berbeza-beza mengikut cabang disiplin masing-masing sepertimana ekonomi, pengurusan, psikologi, sosiologi dan lain-lain lagi. Namun ironinya, perbincangan berkaitan proses pembinaan teori keusahawanan wanita dikatakan masih bersifat pramatang. Kajian konseptual ini telah menggunakan kaedah kajian perpustakaan terhadap 95 artikel terpilih bersangkutan fenomena keusahawanan wanita dalam proses penciptaan teroka baharu yang terdiri daripada beberapa jurnal utama bidang keusahawanan wanita. Hasil kajian literatur ini mendapati, penglibatan usahawan wanita melalui perniagaan teroka baharu terbukti memberi impak positif dari sudut peningkatan peluang pekerjaan serta memperkembangkan inovasi produk baru dalam sesebuah negara. Kesinambungannya, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami berkenaan fenomena keusahawanan wanita terutama berkenaan proses penciptaan teroka baharu memandangkan disiplin ini masih lagi bersifat pramatang terutama dalam proses pembangunan teori. Bersandarkan kepada teori Gartner, 1985, penyelidik memberi huraian yang jelas bagi menerangkan bagaimana keusahawanan wanita yang berlaku boleh dikaitkan dengan empat perspektif berbeza iaitu individu, persekitaran, organisasi yang ditubuhkan dan juga proses keusahawanan yang berlaku. Hasil huraian ini memberi gambaran dan sudut pandang yang khusus kepada usahawan wanita untuk memfokuskan kepada sisi yang memberi impak baik kepada perkembangan perniagaan teroka baru mereka.


The discussion about emerging women’s new venture creation is not a new topic when traced back from the past literature. Previous researchers looked at various perspectives according to their respective disciplines, such as economics, management, psychology, sociology etc. Ironically, the discussion related to the women entrepreneurship theory-building process is said to be premature. This conceptual study has used the library research method on 95 selected articles concerning the phenomenon of women entrepreneurship in the new venture creation process consisting of several main women entrepreneurship journals. Based on the result from literature review, the involvement of women entrepreneurs through new venture businesses proved to have a positive impact in terms of employment opportunities and the development of new product innovations in a country. This study investigated the relevance of the women entrepreneurship phenomenon related to the new venture creation process as this discipline is still premature. Based on Gartner's theory, the researchers provide a clear description of how women’s entrepreneurs can be associated with four different perspectives: individuals, environments, organizations established, and entrepreneurial process. The results of this description can provide a specific overview and perspective for women entrepreneurs to focus on the side that has a positive impact on the development of their new venture business.




How to Cite

OMAR, N. A. ., MD FADZIL, A. F., & CHE MAT, R. . (2021). FENOMENA PERNIAGAAN TEROKA BAHARU WANITA: JUSTIFIKASI LITERATUR TERHADAP PROSES PEMBINAAN TEORI KEUSAHAWANAN WANITA. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 9(2), 60–77. https://doi.org/10.47252/teniat.v9i2.742