
  • Iwan Zahar Faculty of Industrial and Design, Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
  • Tengku Fauzan Tengku Anuar Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Karna Mustaqim Faculty of Industrial and Design, Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia



Chiaroscuro, high art style, Javanese, Kassian Céphas, Netherland East India, Odalisque, Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII



Pertikaian mengenai kerja foto Kassian Céphas telah diperdebatkan sehingga hari ini. Mengapa gambargambar kerajaan Jawa kelihatan begitu kaku, bermuka-muka, bermaruah, bercahaya rata dan, tidak mencerminkan watak Raja Jawa. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan model kritikan seni Barrett dan analisis semiotik. Gambar Raja Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII biasanya bergambar berwibawa, pose formal, menghadap ke hadapan seperti adat Jawa, mengikut protokol istana, dan jurugambar biasanya tidak cuba mendedahkan watak model. Odalisque tidak digunakan oleh Kassian Chepas kepada keluarga diraja kecuali untuk gambar di studionya sendiri. Bagaimanapun, Kassian Céphas juga kreatif dengan gambar wanita muda Jawa dalam pelbagai pose dan teknik cahaya studio termasuk chiaroscuro dan menerapkan gaya Odalisque di studionya. Gayanya lebih kepada "pendekatan dokumentari" dan tidak mengikut gaya High Art. Gambar Kassian Chepas telah diiktiraf sebagai ikon, indeks dan simbol. Khususnya bagi orang Jawa, imej Sultan adalah ikon dan simbol yang terkenal bagi orang Indonesia. Imej sultan sejak zaman Sultan Hamengkubowono X boleh didapati. Sultan Hamengkubowono VII membuat kesimpulan bahawa Belanda memerintah Indonesia pada zaman penjajahan dengan menggunakan pakaian seragam tentera Belanda sebagai penunjuk.


The dispute over Kassian Céphas ' photo work has been debated to this day. Why do the pictures of theJavanese kingdom look so rigid, face-to-face, with dignity, flat lighting and do not reflect the character ofthe King of Java. This study was conducted using Barrett's art criticism model and semiotic analysis. The picture of the King of Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII is usually photographed in an authoritative, formal pose, facing forward as it is a custom of Java, following palace protocol, and the photographer usually
does not try to reveal the character of the model. Kassian Chepas did not apply the Odalisque to the royal family except for photographs in his studio. However, Kassian Céphas is also creative with photos of young Javanese women in various poses and studio light techniques, including chiaroscuro and applying Odalisque style in his studio. His style is more “documentary approach” and does not follow the High Art style. Kassian Chepas' photographs have been recognized as icons, indexes, and symbols. In particular, for Javanese people, the Sultan's image is a well-known icon and symbol for Indonesians. Images of sultans dating back to Sultan Hamengkubowono X are available. Sultan Hamengkubowono VII inferred that the Dutch ruled Indonesia during the colonial era by using the Dutch military uniform as an indicator.




How to Cite

Zahar, I., Tengku Anuar, T. F., & Mustaqim, K. (2022). GAYA FOTO KASSIAN CEPHAS (1845 – 1912): JURUGAMBAR JAWA MAHKAMAH KESULTANAN YOGYAKARTA. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 10(2), 1–12.